refereed papers and invited reviews in 1998-2000
by Ulisse Munari. Available files are in postscript gzipped format and can be downloaded by
clicking on "". A few are browsable as gif files (click on
Spectrophotometry of type Ib/c SN 1997X: HeI lines near maximum light
Munari et al., Astron.Astrophys. 1998, 333, 159
Jets from the galactic supersoft X-ray source RX J0019.8+2156
Tomov et al., Astron.Astrophys.Lett. 1998, 333, L67
Spectroscopic orbit of the ex-eclipsing binary SS Lac in the young open cluster NGC 7209
Tomasella and Munari, Astron.Astrophys. 1998, 335, 561
UV spectrophotometry and UBVJHKL photometry of the symbiotic nova V443 Her