The 201 systems censed in ADPS Paper 1, the first 167 in extenso and other 34 only briefly mentioned:
Figure number in:
Paper 1Paper 2
C1 - Stebbins et al. - 1940 001
UVBGRI - Stebbins and Whitford - 1943 002 009
RGU - Becker - 1946 003 010
RI - Kron and Smith - 1951 004 011
BCD - Chalonge and Divan - 1952 005
UBV - Johnson and Morgan - 1953 006 012
POSS I - 1955 007 013
PV - Eggen - 1955 008 014
Aerobee UV-55 - 1955 009 151
uvbyHbeta - Strömgren and Crawford - 1956 010 016
Aerobee UV-57 - 1957 011
UcBV - Arp - 1958 012 017
ubgyri - Bahng - 1958 013 018
UV BG R - Tifft - 1958 014 019
5 colors - Borgman - 1959 015 020
KLMNPQR - Borgman - 1960 016 021
Deeming - 1960 017 022
UBV - Eggen and Sandage - 1960 018
Griffin and Redman - 1960 019 023
USNO - Kron and Mayall - 1960 020 025
VBLUW - Walraven and Walraven - 1960 021 026
Griffin - 1961 022 027
8 colors - Tifft - 1961 023 028
Hgamma - Bappu et al. - 1962 024 029
Geneva - Golay - 1962 025 030
ubvr20 - Sandage and Smith - 1963 026 032
Barbier and Morguleff - 1964 027 033
Hgamma - Beer - 1964 028 034
Halpha - Peat - 1964 029 035
Aerobee UV-64 - 1964 030
Halpha,beta,gamma,delta - Abt and Golson - 1965 031 036
RI - Eggen - 1965 032
UBVRI(JHKLMN) - Johnson - 1965 033 183
Miner - 1965 034 037
Vilnius - Straizys et al. - 1965 035 038
UVBY - Kruszewski - 1966 036 039
4 colors - Neff and Travis - 1966 037 040
Scarfe - 1966 038 041
ubVt - Smak - 1966 039 042
ubvr - Westerlund - 1966 040 043
12 colors - Wood - 1966 041 044
ri - Argue - 1967 042 045
Boyce - 1967 043 046
62 65 102 - Eggen - 1967 044 047
LPL - Johnson et al. - 1967 045 048
27 colors - Wing - 1967 046 049
Halpha - Andrews - 1968 047 050
DDO - McClure and Van den Bergh - 1968 048 051
Hbeta,gamma - Sinnerstad et al. - 1968 049 052
u'ubvv' - Smith - 1968 050 053
jhk - Bahng - 1969 051
Ca II K - Henry - 1969 052 054
Newell et al. - 1969 053 055
Spinrad and Taylor - 1969 054 056
Halpha,beta - Tebbe - 1969 055 057
gnkmfu - Dickow et al. - 1970 056 058
Uppsala - Häggkvist and Oja - 1970 057 059
RI - Jacobsen - 1970 058 060
nh - Landolt - 1970 059 061
Morguleff et al. - 1970 060 063
OAO2 WEP - 1970 061 152
Hgamma - Häggkvist - 1971 062 064
DAO - Hill et al. - 1971 063 065
5 colors - Lockwood and Wing - 1971 064 066
Mendoza - 1971 065 067
Williams et al. - 1971 066 069
8 colors - Wing - 1971 067 070
Aerobee IR-71 - 1971 068
Jones and Dixon - 1972 069 071
Halpha,beta - Peton - 1972 070 073
uA bA betaA yA - Wickramasinghe and Strittmatter - 1972 071 075
TD1 - 1972 072 153
24 colors - Chapman et al. - 1973 073 077
10 colors - Faber - 1973 074 079
JHKL SAAO - Glass - 1973 075 158
WBVR - Straizys - 1973 076 081
MSSO - Thomas et al. - 1973 077
Alexander and Branch - 1974 078 082
UBVR - Cathey - 1974 079 083
Halpha,beta,gamma - Feinstein - 1974 080 085
UBVRI - Fernie - 1974 081 086
Halpha,beta - Guinan and McCook - 1974 082 087
NQ - Low and Rieke - 1974 083 160
Halpha - Vidal - 1974 084 089
ANS - 1974 085 154
Halpha - Dachs and Schmidt-Kaler - 1975 086 090
Helt and Gyldenkerne - 1975 087 091
UBViyz - Jennens and Helfer - 1975 088
8 colors - Morguleff et al. - 1975 089 092
ri - Weistrop - 1975 090 093
D2B AURA - 1975 091 155
Washington - Canterna - 1976 092 094
RI - Cousins - 1976 093 095
uvby - Eggen - 1976 094
13 colors - Johnson and Mitchell - 1976 095 097
vbyg1g2 - Maitzen - 1976 096 098
uvgr - Thuan and Gunn - 1976 097 100
Apollo-Soyuz - 1976 098
Trieste - Cester et al. - 1977 099 101
JHK H2O CO - Persson et al. - 1977 100 161
ubVr - Sandage and Visvanathan - 1978 101 105
8 colors - White and Wing - 1978 102 106
U'JF - van der Kruit - 1979 103 107
BVRI - Kunkel and Rydgren - 1979 104
ri - Wade et al. - 1979 105
BJ RF - Couch and Newell - 1980 106 108
UBVRI - Neckel and Chini - 1980 107
uvgr 39B 39N - Zinn - 1980 108 109
VJHKLM ESO - Engels et al. - 1981 109
Delta a - Joncas and Borra - 1981 110 111
Jones et al. - 1981 111 112
Halpha - Strauss and Ducati - 1981 112 113
JHKL CTIO - Elias et al. - 1982 113
JHKL MSO - Jones and Hyland - 1982 114 165
VilGen - North et al. - 1982 115 115
Solheim et al. - 1982 116 116
8 colors - Tedesco et al. - 1982 117 117
JHKL' AAO - Allen and Cragg - 1983 118
UBVRI - Landolt - 1983 119 118
griz - Schneider et al. - 1983 120 119
RGU - Trefzger et al. - 1983 121 120
IRAS - 1983 122 166
VWFSC Spacelab 1 - 1983 123 156
JHKLMNQ OAN - Roth et al. - 1984 124
WBVR - Khalliullin et al. - 1985 125 123
JnKnLnMn - Leggett et al. - 1986 126 168
Park and Lee - 1986 127 124
Kenyon and Fernandez-Castro - 1987 128 126
psi(25) - Mendoza - 1987 129 127
VJHKLL'M - Bessell and Brett - 1988 130 169
77 81 - Cook and Aaronson - 1989 131 129
g4r4i4z4 - Schneider et al. - 1989 132 130
FOC HST - 1990 133 184
WFPC1 HST - 1989 134 185
Hipparcos - 1989 135 131
UBVRI - Bessell - 1990 136 132
JHKL SAAO - Carter - 1990 137
Guide Star Catalogue - Lasker et al. - 1990 138 133
UIT - 1990 139 157
JHKL'M ESO - Bouchet et al. - 1991 140
POSS II - Reid et al. - 1991 141 134
CaII - Twarog et al. - 1991 142 135
20 colors - Bastiaansen - 1992 143 136
MACHO - 1992 144 137
SCAS - Clark et al - 1993 145 170
WFPC2 HST - 1993 146 186
JHKL' CST - Alonso et al. - 1994 147 171
DENIS - Epchtein et al. - 1994 148 172
JHKL MSSSO - McGregor - 1994 149 175
IRTF NSFCAM - Shure et al. - 1994 150 176
FPBS - Brewer et al. - 1995 151 138
ISOCAM ISO - 1995 152 178
BATC - Fan et al. - 1996 153 139
Sloan DSS - Fukugita el al. - 1996 154 140
StrömVil - Straizys et al. - 1996 155 141
ESO MIR - Van der Bliek et al. - 1996 156
ESO NIR - Van der Bliek et al. - 1996 157 179
MANIAC - Böker et al. - 1997 158
Damineli et al. - 1997 159 142
TNG - Marchetti et al. - 1997 160 144
UBV(RI)MW - Sandage - 1997 161
UWTAT - Strassmeier et al. - 1997 162 145
NICMOS HST - 1997 163 180
STIS HST - 1997 164 187
Royer et al. - 1998 165 147
Asiago GAIA - Munari - 1998 166 148
Geneva GAIA - Grenon et al. - 1999 167 149
Kraft - 1960 168 024
Gutierrez-Moreno et al. - 1967 169
McNamara et al. - 1970 170 062
Wawrukiewicz - 1971 171 068
Lutz and Lutz - 1972 172 072
Seeds - 1972 173 074
Caplan - 1973 174 076
Cherepashchuk and Khaliullin - 1973 175 078
Jones and Carrick - 1973 176 080
Khozof et al. - 1973 177 159
Faÿ et al. - 1974 178 084
Gustafsson et al. - 1974 179
Nissen - 1974 180
Sorvari - 1974 181 088
Greenstein - 1976 182 096
Mould - 1976 183 099
Dzervitis - 1977 184 102
Yamashita et al. - 1977 185
Mould and McElroy - 1978 186 104
Pedersen and Rudkøbing - 1978 187
Pilachowski - 1978 188 162
Cohen - 1978 189
Mould and Aaronson - 1980 190
Avetisyan et al. - 1981 191 110
Wing and Rinsland - 1981 192
Avetisyan and Melik-Alaverdyan - 1982 193 114
Yorka - 1983 194
Hartwick et al. - 1984 195 121
McWilliam and Lambert - 1984 196 167
Nersisian - 1984 197 122
Herbst et al. - 1987 198 125
Faulkner et al. - 1988 199 128
Elsner et al. - 1999 200
Vansevicius et al. - 1999 201 150
The 17 additional systems introduced in ADPS with Paper 2:
Stromgren and Gyldenkerne - 1955 015
Bahner - 1963 031
Aerobee IR-65 - 1965
Mould and Wallis - 1977 103
KAO far-IR - Harvey - 1979 164
JHK KPNO - Manduca and Bell - 1979 163
DIRBE COBE - Kalsall et al. - 1990
SpaceLab IRT - Kent et al. - 1992
S-520-15 FIR - Matsuhara et al. - 1994 174
IRTS FIRP - Lange et al. - 1994 173
iz,iJ,iH,iL,iL',iM,in,iN,iQ - Young et al. - 1994 177
MSX - Egan and Price - 1996
Malyuto et al. - 1997 143
Hickson and Mulrooney - 1998 146
ABU SPIREX - 1998 181
TIRCAM 2 - Persi et al. - 2001
JHK'KsKL'M' MKO - Tokunaga et al. - 2002 182
Further systems introduced in ADPS after Paper 2,
bringing the total to 226 systems:
y, b1, b2, b3 - Willstrop - 1960 table
S201 - Apollo 16 - 1972
2MASS table
UCAC - Zacharias et al. - 2000
GAIA - Photometric Working Group - 2004 table
UCLA narrowband filters - Mainzer et al. - 2004 table
IRAC Spitzer - Fazio et al. 2004
MIPS Spitzer - Heim et al. 2004